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The Season's Already Winter (季節はもう冬 , Kisetsu wa mō fuyu) is chapter 176 of the Beelzebub manga.


Furuichi Buried In The Hole

Furuichi being buried in the man-size hole while he apologizes.

Furuichi begins furiously apologizing to Kanzaki and Himekawa while digging a hole in the dirt. He digs further at their demands, with additional help from Oga, and is subsequently left buried in the hole once it is big enough. Tōjō ends up pulling him out and asks whether they can continue their fight, though Lamia states that neither of them can given their current injuries.

Hearing Lamia's words, Yuka and Chiaki start gossiping after they think that Lamia and Furuichi are "playing" doctor with each other, upsetting Furuichi. Oga eventually steps up and tells them to stop making fun of him even if they do find him weird. Surprisingly, Nene is already aware of that and ultimately has the other members stop harassing him, too. She then remarks that she is jealous of Oga's and Furuichi's relationship; with that said, she says for everyone to start heading home.

Late at night, Furuichi hands back the Demonic tissues from the Great Demon Lord to Oga. However, Hilda takes the tissues instead and states that she will burn them.

At the Oga residence, Oga's Mother and Misaki tell Hilda about Christmas and how a person known as Santa Claus usually distributes gifts on that day. While telling her about the holiday, they end up drifting off to a memory when Oga still believed in Santa Claus as a young toddler. After the two women finish reminiscing, Misaki tells Hilda that she and her younger brother are Baby Beel's Santa Claus so they should pick out a present for him.

Hilda later writes a list of gifts that she intends to give to Baby Beel for Christmas, even marking on the calender for the day of the holiday. Upon reading the list, Oga becomes annoyed and protests that her gifts are unsuitable for the holiday to give to the young infant; however, he considers only giving Baby Beel a mechanical pencil as a present. Upset, Hilda attacks Oga and begins lamenting over his status as her master's father.

Hilda's Kind Side Returns

Amnesiac Hilda returns.

She then notices that Baby Beel is hungry and demands Oga to give her milk; angry from earlier, he throws it, which prompts Baby Beel to try and catch it. In the ensuing chaos, Hilda and Baby Beel end up sharing a kiss. After a brief moment, Hilda suddenly rises from the ground and shyly asks whether Oga remembers her; shocked, Oga instead looks at the amnesiac and friendly Hilda from before.

Characters in order of appearance[]

  1. Kōtarō Mikagami
  2. Takumi Dezaki
  3. Unshō Onizuka
  4. Kōsei Kuroki
  5. Hidetora Tōjō
  6. Hajime Kanzaki
  7. Tatsuya Himekawa
  8. Tatsumi Oga
  9. Beelzebub IV
  10. Takayuki Furuichi
  11. Lamia
  12. Yuka Hanazawa
  13. Nene Ōmori
  14. Chiaki Tanimura
  15. Aoi Kunieda
  16. Hisaya Miki
  17. Hilda
  18. Misaki Oga
  19. Oga's Mother


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Volumes Chapters
1 1234567
2 8910111213141516
3 171819202122232425
4 262728293031323334
5 353637383940414243
6 444546474849505152
7 535455565758596061Extra
8 626364656667686970
9 717273747576777879
10 808182838485868788Special Extra
11 899091929394959697
12 9899100101102103104105106
13 107108109110111112113114115
14 116117118119120121122123124
15 125126127128129130131132133134
16 135136137138139140141142143
17 144145146147148149150151152
18 153154155156157158159160161Extra
19 162163164165166167168169170
20 171172173174175176177178179
21 180181182183184185186187188
22 189190191192193194195196197
23 198199200201202203204205206
24 207208209210211212213214215
25 216217218219220221222223224
26 225226227228229230231232233
27 234235236237238239240Special 1Special 2Special 3
28 Extra Bub 1Extra Bub 2Extra Bub 3Extra Bub 4Extra Bub 5Extra Bub 6
Other special chapters
OneshotI Completely Fought